IFS HPC – consumer products

Improve your capability to consistently meet customer expectations for product quality and safety while reducing costs of supply chain management.

Certification of your product manufacturing system to IFS HPC – consumer products standard demonstrates your commitment to product safety, quality, legality and on continual improvement.

What is the IFS HPC – consumer products standard? 

IFS HPC is an international standard for assessing product and process compliance in relation to consumer product safety and quality. The IFS HPC standard applies to suppliers at all steps of product processing.  

The IFS HPC standard is the result of collaboration among HPC industries, retailers and certification bodies. The aim is to ensure that household and personal care producers provide safe, compliant and quality goods to the market.

IFS HPC covers four specific product groupings 

  • Cosmetics (e.g. make up, lotions, shampoo, creams, etc.)
  • Household chemical products (e.g. detergents, softeners, cleaning agents, aroma sticks, etc.)
  • Daily use household products (e.g. household gloves, bakery paper, brooms, aluminum foil, etc.)
  • Personal hygiene products (e.g. tampons, tweezers, bath sponges, diapers, etc.)

In addition to detailed prerequisite programs the standard requirements are related to:

  • Senior management responsibility 
  • Quality and product safety management system
  • Resource management
  • Planning and production process
  • Measurements, analyses, corrective actions and management of incidents 
  • An optional product defense aspect can be added

IFS HPC’s intention is to ensure comparability and transparency throughout the supply chain, reducing cost and time for both suppliers and retailers.

Benefits of becoming certified

Customer expectations in the quality and product safety of household and personal care products is increasing. With a potential direct impact on consumer health and safety, transparency is essential to build consumer trust and confidence. 

The standard enables your organization to benefit from:

  • More effective use of resources.
  • Reduction in the need for customer audits.
  • Ability to reduce total audit time by combining multiple audits.
  • Higher flexibility due to a risk-based approach.
  • Improved business reputation as a manufacture of higher- quality and safe products. Better access to markets
  • Ability to trade with customers requiring third party audits.

Getting started

To be certified, you first need to implement a product processing management system complying with the standard’s requirements.  DNV is an independent third-party certification body accredited for the IFS HPC standard.  We can help you throughout the journey starting from relevant training to self-assessments, gap analysis and certification services.

Learn more about how to get started on the road to certification.



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