Green & Efficient Supply Chain Solutions

We offer both certification and training for Green & Efficient Supply Chain Solutions. Find an upcoming course in your country or request for a certification quote.

Climate change has become one of the major challenges for the international community, the business world and individual citizens. The growing release of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere and its recognized effect on the climate is one important reason for this change. Carbon footprint quantification, analysis and reduction are key to preventing the growing volume of CO2.

There are many reasons why companies are mapping carbon impacts throughout their supply chain. Businesses are beginning to realize that good environmental performance can have positive effects on their profits, reputation and society as a whole. Knowing your company’s total carbon footprint allows you to make effective steps towards reducing the climate change impact of your business and supply chain activities.

What are the benefits? 

In today’s global market it is important for companies to meet consumers’ and customers’ growing concerns about sustainable development. A green & efficient supply chain generates added value to your company by: 

  • Enhancing brand reputation.
  • Demonstrating environmental and sustainable commitment.
  • Achieving efficiency and cost reduction.

How we can help you

We provide a unique blend of managerial, technical and environmental expertise through our Green & Efficient Supply Chain solutions.

Our risk-based approach includes: 

  • Mapping the material carbon impacts throughout your supply chain.
  • Providing a comprehensive and concise report which identifies carbon footprint hot-spots.
  • Enabling prioritization of the opportunities for improvement.
  • Designing improvement projects.
  • Implementation of improvement projects.

Through our Green & Efficient Supply Chain service, we provide your company with a multi-disciplinary approach, a globally managed local presence and a leading-edge service based on proven assessment techniques. 

Our assessment will provide your company with: 

  • A clear overview of your company’s supply chain carbon footprint.
  • Identification of potential savings of carbon and costs.
  • Documentation of your company’s commitment to meet carbon footprint challenges.
  • A roadmap for carbon neutrality

Our expertise

DNV -Business Assurance is accredited by the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a Designated Operational Entity (DOE) under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). We were the first DOE accredited for the verification of all major CDM Scopes. By the end of 2006, we had validated over 500 projects in all major industry sectors in over 50 countries. Our climate change specialists have a broad greenhouse gas verification and certification expertise combined with specific industry knowledge. As a leading independent greenhouse gas verifier operating globally, we believe in a partnership approach that benefits you and your organisation.

Training Courses

From remote eLearning to classroom-based training, we offer an array of training options catered to your learning needs.


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