Asset management decision support

DNV’s asset management decision support platform helps you reduce costs and short- and long-term risks with near-real-time power asset assessment

Asset managers are under increasing pressure to accurately know the health of their network’s power assets so they can make cost-efficient decisions regarding operation, maintenance and replacement. But how can you identify which assets need attention ensuring risks are minimised and what is the right time? Are you certain that your asset’s rating is based on the latest information? Due to the vast number of valuable assets in the system, making decisions on these issues is extremely difficult.

Decision support, at your fingertips
Our Asset Management Decision Support platform has the answers, and puts them at your fingertips. It provides you with a transparent, an instant, up-to-date assessment of the health and associated risks of your entire asset fleet. The risk assessment approach aligns with PAS 55 and ISO 55000 asset management principles. 

The platform helps you:

  • optimise short- and long-term risk control
  • identify replacement, refurbishment or maintenance needs and timing
  • optimise both CAPEX and OPEX
  • streamline asset prioritisation
  • reduce costs

You can use the platform to help you manage all kinds of power system assets: power and distribution transformers, power cables, overhead lines, switchgear systems, circuit breakers, battery banks, etc. Using your existing asset data, it gives you accurate insights into the health of each individual asset, making it easier for you to decide what mitigating measures to take and when. 

Flexible implementation
As an integrated software solution, the platform interfaces easily with your existing software landscapes, including SAP, SCADA systems, DGA and IR analysis tools. To ensure your asset management solution fits your needs, our experts conduct workshops at your site before installing and configuring the software to your requirements. Completely transparent, you can also tune the solution further to your specific circumstances. 

  Asset management decision support

Asset management decision support



