Business resilience in the time of COVID-19 is an unprecedented challenge. The ability to demonstrate trusted infection risk prevention and mitigation is something that every company will need to win back trust from consumers, employees and other stakeholders alike. My Care helps companies assess compliance and maturity, communicating readiness instantly through a dedicated trust mark.
The current exceptional situation requires a different approach to organizational infection risk management. The level of risk management required has only previously been seen in hospitals. Now it is asked of every company in every industry. They must comply quickly and demonstrate beyond doubt their ability to manage infection risk with regards to emerging pathogens such as COVID-19, in line with national requirements and industry-wide best practices.
The My Care infection risk management maturity methodology can support any type of company or organization in its infection risk management compliance and maturity efforts. The readiness and maturity assessment measures the prevention and mitigation actions in place and provides valuable knowledge on the overall performance. The detailed maturity assessment report can be used to improve and drive lasting changes to your HSE (health, safety and environment) policies and management system. By understanding their level of compliance and identify areas that needs improvement companies can build business resilience.
“Working daily with hospitals on quality and infection prevention, we know how complex but also how critical it is to have the right standard and risk-based preventive systems in place,” says Luca Crisciotti, CEO of DNV GL - Business Assurance. “We have in the past combined our experience and expertise from HSE management systems and maturity models to develop healthcare standards. With My Care, we are building on this proven expertise, tailoring it for application in different industries, to help companies keep people safe.”
National and international requirements can be extensive and continuously changing. Mitigating actions must be tailored to industry specific processes and the changes required to be compliant can be complex. Moreover, while struggling to be ready to re-open and continue business, companies should think long-term, putting systems in place to build resilience for the post COVID-19 environment.
There is an urgency in the market to re-open and reliably sustain business. At the same time, consumers and even employees may be hesitant to return. They want reassurance that it is safe to do so. My Care advocates a holistic, structured approach to build robust policies and processes that keep people safe. It enables companies to get ready today and leverage on this response to adapt to the post COVID-19 environment. The digital My Care trust mark reassures customers and employees that a company is managing infection risk well. The mark is linked to the assessment statement stored on blockchain, which adds an extra layer of security and trust.