DNV Laboratory re-certified with BCA Green Mark Gold Award
We are recognised for sustained performance in the areas of energy and water efficiency
We are pleased to share that the DNV Laboratory @ Singapore has been re-certified with the BCA Green Mark Gold Award! Our water and energy efficiency practices garnered high scores and we continue to see the greatest reduction in energy and water consumption by over 35% and 50% respectively for 2020. Our team is also looking at implementing the following new energy and water saving initiatives to reach our estimated reduction target of 50,000 kWh of energy and 40 m3 of water by 2024.
Energy saving initiatives:
- Progressively replacing old VAV systems
- Installing LED light fittings
- Reducing operating hours of lighting and airconditioning systems by 1 hour.
Water saving initiatives:
- Exploring rainwater harvesting
- Replacing older fixtures with water efficient fittings
- Reducing the floor washing frequency.
Administered by Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority, the “Re-certification of Green Mark Buildings” is a process for qualified Green Mark-certified buildings to be recognised for sustained performance in the areas of energy and water efficiency, operations and management, and indoor environment quality. This is the second time that our lab is re-certified with Green Mark Gold Award since relocated to current building in 2014. Special thanks go to our laboratory operation manager and facility manager for their efforts in managing the lab and successful green mark gold re-certification of the DNV Laboratory.