Global climate change is a constant threat to the human race. We are constantly experiencing the impacts of a warmer environment, greater pollution and the progressive scarcity of natural resources. In recent years, NASA has reported that the Earth’s polar ice sheets are losing an average of 413 gigatonnes of mass annually. In addition, rising sea levels could potentially jeopardise extensive coastal areas while more extreme weather conditions pose damage to power grids. Damaging power grids in turn affects electrical power generation but its distribution as well.
Thankfully, many companies are recognizing climate as an emerging business aspect to be concerned about. In turn, this perspective is reflected in the rise of stricter and more comprehensive regulations. Adapting to change should not be an unfamiliar event for businesses. However, climate change generates a whole new set of challenges and opportunities. Climate change action requires a broader view – such as an integrated perspective on mitigation, adaptation and sustainability.
A successful business must consider and integrate different types of climate risks and opportunities into core business operations and strategic planning. Doing so requires identification of trade-offs and co-benefits with mitigation strategies amidst wider sustainability goals. After all, the resilience of an organisation is interlinked with how receptive it is to change within its societal context.
With DNV’s purpose of 'Safeguarding life, property and the environment' and our vision of a 'Global impact for a safe and sustainable future', we want to guide businesses in addressing issues that have short-term and long-term impacts on our society and the planet. We want to promote sustainable development such that future generations can thrive in the planet we grew up in – and call it home.
The answer to this is Sustainability Reporting Assurance, which helps your organisation to:
1. Strengthen stakeholder trust and increase brand credibility
2. Identify key areas of risk and opportunities to address and leverage on
3. Receive constructive support for continual improvement
To find out more about Sustainability Reporting, click here.
To download the Sustainability Reporting Assurance brochure, click here.
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