This picture was taken after the successful completion of the DNV External Assurance engagement with Ayala Land Inc. earlier this year.
Ayala Land is the largest property developer in the Philippines with a solid track record in developing large-scale, integrated, mixed use, sustainable estates that are now thriving economic centers in their respective regions. These include mix of residential developments, shopping centers, offices, hotels and resorts, and other businesses.
This is the fourth year that Ayala Land engaged DNV to conduct assurance of their Sustainability Report. The sustainability indicators were assured using the DNV Report Verification Protocol (VeriSustain), covering economic, environmental, governance and social indicators.
This protocol draws on good practice across recognised sustainability standards to align with the requirements of GRI, AA1000AS, CDP and ISAE3000. A solid sustainability strategy gives you a framework for managing your most significant social, environmental and broader economic issues. It sets out your vision, principles and policies and defines your approach to governance, stakeholder engagement and reporting.
At DNV, we provide a suite of sustainability services specifically catered to your needs, partnering you to design and build on your sustainability goals and strategy.
To read more about the sustainability strategies we provide, click here.
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