Smart Survey Booking

Book class surveys with DNV in a smarter way

Smart Survey Booking (SSB) is an enhanced, digitized survey booking process in which we help our customers to manage their survey requirements more efficiently – with respect to time, scope and cost.

Set up your SSB notifications in a few clicks

Go to Fleet Status on Veracity and subscribe to SSB today. You will receive an email when it is the best time to book a survey. Follow the link and after a few clicks your booking is complete.

What are the benefits of using SSB?

The SSB concept identifies the best time when the maximum number of survey scope items can be combined, this is called the Smart Scope. By combining surveys at the most suitable time and location for your vessel and your operational schedule, you can save time and, ultimately, money. It also means you have less hassle.

  • Proactive notifications of the best time to order surveys, and audit warnings when this time expires
  • Proposed Smart Scope packages with surveys and estimate of the time needed to cover the scope
  • Improved port information with overview of Approved Service Suppliers in each port (country basis) and information if in-water survey can be performed
  • Upfront cost estimates for class survey costs estimated travel and overtime costs of survey combinations for any given port stays based on ETA/ETD
  • Benchmarking of relevant ports automatically benchmark ports on costs and the needed time in port to perform the Smart Scope
  • Efficient survey preparation - relevant survey preparation notes with the survey confirmation and Terms and Conditions handled online during survey booking

Not a Veracity user yet? Create one today!

Your company's account on Veracity is set up with a company administrator in cooperation with DNV. This administrator can and should establish individual Veracity user accounts for relevant colleagues in your company to benefit from our services. Please contact your local DNV office for more information.


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